#UpgradeYourDAMLunch Contest!

November 22, 2019 in General

The Downtown Allentown Market is open! Now go #UpdradeYourDAMLunch with our Instagram contest!

Leftover soup for the third day in a row? Soggy salad? We all have those days. Days when our packed lunch just seems to be dull and monotonous. Fortunately, it’s time to #UpgradeyourDAMLunch and the market is here to help! We’re launching our Instagram contest from November 25 to December 20. Submit photos of your lonely, weary and just plain sad packed lunch for the chance to win a $25 market gift card and a DAM t-shirt!

In order to participate, we ask that you take a picture of your sad lunch and post it on your Instagram feed or story, using both @DowntownAllentownMarket and the hashtag #UpgradeYourDAMLunch. Winners will be announced each Friday and will receive a $25 market gift card.

For additional terms and conditions, please read the contest rules.